Medieval total war 1 regions
Medieval total war 1 regions

medieval total war 1 regions

There is a change in the Chaos faction conduct – Slaanesh and Nurgle attack Empire before Archaon’s coming.Ancillaries returned – Khrom is a Khornit as he is to be.Empire factions received 4 script armies by Archaon coming.The CTDs are corrected in script battles.New ambassador model for the Higher elves.

medieval total war 1 regions

The units of the Border Princes are retextured.Silvania received Ghosts and new Zombies.New icons and infocards of units and buildings and improvement of old.Retexturing and improvements of old models: 4 units of Grudgebearers of Morgan Bernhard.A demon-prince - unique group for Khorne followers with chance of arrival of 1 %.Nuln engineers with handgun of Todmeister.Nuln engineers with multibarrelled handgun.Merchants of empire drawn in appropriate colors.New stratmodels for some mercenary generals.Stratmodels for HE mage, daemon-prince, tzeentch mages etc.Stratmodels for goblin shamans and agents of high elves.and some others based on kingdoms effects. The dance of wanhell (enforcing and и temporary forces) - Ishtvan, Marcus(Sylvany). The wind of death (fatigue for enemy, forces for his troopls) - Manfred (Sylvany) Hindrances of Gokrs(enemy become weaker) - Tutes (goblins) Stunts of skarsnik (immobilizing) - Skarsnik (goblins) BashEmLadz (forced weaker) - Kratcuf (orcks) Partly fixed a smoke, and also made new shells for empire rockets and catapults of skulls and others.New animations for bloodletters, plaguebearers, giants, trolls, assasins and many other units Ogrs, bigguns, blackorks, bloodletters and plaguebearers by their attack throw enemies in air.Editing and improvement of balance of units.New texts for historic events and new descriptions of units.New traits for all factions and improvements of old traits.and if a general of troops dies, you can’t renew these troops New system of unique generals and troops – each faction has some unique troops (tank, chekists, mage), what can appear during the campaign, and their obligatory appearance on 60th turn deleted, you can’t recruit them only renew.Now you all chapters of knights are available in all settlements but you can construct only one chapter in each settlement.The bodyguards for all faction changed – some generals have mounted bodyguards, some generals – foot troops (for example – empire provinces leader and heir and coming of age general have knights of different orders as generals other generals have greatswords as bodigurads).

medieval total war 1 regions

This state with chance in 1 % can enter in light alliance.

  • New playable fraction - Border Princes.
  • medieval total war 1 regions

    Orks can employ them if they unite with night goblins or crash them.

  • Stone forts for empire, kislev and dwarves.
  • Add two regions – the blood citadel and ruined towers with unique buildings and bonuses.
  • Most vanila icons and building arts changed
  • In all settlements buildings are added.
  • a larger variety of troops in the spawn armies.
  • scripts for unique personages and troops and mercenary generals.
  • script for resurrection of empire provinces – now is one of empire provinces was captured by an enemy, and if player releases a capital of captured provinces, an question appears: ”Would you like to revive the province?” If yes the province resurrectes and player gets a large number of money, if no player has rebellion, the army deserts, rebel stacks spawn and etc.
  • The probability of event depends on authority of the leader - with low authority the chances groth Also if the goblin leader dies there is an additional chance of this event.
  • New script for chaos invasion (since 60th turn, 3 waves of invansion – avant-guard, Khrom and Archaon with his gerolds).
  • New script for grimgor invasion (60th turn, 13 stacks of orc attack the southern provinces of the Empire).
  • Second wave of script battles (occurred after 30 turn).

  • Medieval total war 1 regions